

rain food North Coast 500 Spain history Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Isle of Skye Loch Ness Loch Ness Monster Museum Scotland excited packing scenery tech wine Fishing Highlands Loch Ness Shores Campsite Nessie Northumberland Portree Ryanair art camping list cuddles culture day 1 doggies gadgets hotel luggage mountain dog mountains no rain photography poor Spanish skills tapas walking water to go 24 hours to go A93 Angus MacAskill Ballater Ben Eigh Ben Nevis Bettyhill Museum Byland Abbey Cafesia Clatchtoll Beach Day 2 Dunvegan Dunvegan Castle Elgin English Heretics Fairy Pools Fort Augustus Foyers Foyers Falls Glenshee HARVe Hadrian's Wall Highland clearances Irish Japanese Kinlochewe MacLeod Clan Madrid Makay Clan Mercardo de San Miguel Museo de Prado Neist Point Neptune's Staircase Nessieland Nigg Nigg Stone Old Byland Palaico Real Peatbog Faeries Proclaimers Reina Sofia River Cottage Royal Palace Ryan Scottish food Skye Museum of Island Life Sligachan Sligachan Bunkhouse Smoo Cave Sol Spanish Stanes Strome Sutton Bank Torvaig Campsite Ullapool Waterfall back home barren bed blackhouse blisters border broken car bumpy ride camera comfort desolate dogs family fish and chips flight flying foraging garage haggis haggis and chips highland coos highland cows hikinh histpry linux liquid lunch list live music national park nerds no phone signal nose warmer nosey dog paella passport petrol plane posing relax rest day seafood selfies silliness sunshine sushi tired travel vino war waterfalls wet dogs wild food wind windows

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Day 4 - Gone Fishing

Our Campsite!
Pointing the way
Today has been good fun, not much driving for me meaning I could relax and chill out a bit! Back onto the road trip on Wednesday! Hardly know what day it is to be honest!

Mountain Dog!

We started off our day with a very lazy lie in (interrupted by a small child who decided that playing saucepans like a drumkit was apropriate... grr...).

The Falls of Foyers
As our campsite is located in Foyers we decided to have a look at the Falls of Foyers. This waterfall comes from the River Foyers and feeds Loch Ness and generates hydroelectric, which I think is really cool!

I got to try out some of the photo techiques Kate has been teaching me about to make the water look really smooth. Naturally I forgot my tripod though so had to improvise! I think the pictures came out ok!

Prince LOVING walkies!!
Prince and Princess LOVED the walk and Prince was trying out his new hiking bag, he was bouncing around like a new puppy! I think he and Princess think they've become mountain dogs or something, who am I to spoil their fun? They had a great time! We enjoyed the walk too, although I am clearly not as fit as I thought I was! The climb back up was really steep, had to stop a few times... to take in the view obviously!!

We've had a bit of a mixed bag weather wise, ranging from really cold and windy right up to lovely sunshine and wondering where the suntan lotion is! It's been nice, but I can safely say I am really bored of rain now..!

Its all too much for Princess
Tomorrow we start the North Coast 500 tour going upto our first stop which is in Wick. Today, however, we decided to check out Fort Augustus which is a small town a the bottom of Loch Ness, it's famous for having Neptune's Staircase, an eight lock system on the Caledonian Canal that takes the boats up or down. It's the longest lock staircase in Britain and really cool to watch. I loved how one of the lock keepers had little pink fairy wings.

Neptune's Staircase
Quick stop off in a pub by the lock (I would NOT reccomeng "Light Ness" pale ale to anyone, it was sadly quite horrible!) and a scout around the gift shop, my post card collection is growing quite considerably and I can see how HARVe would be really cool to get aerial shots for post cards, wish I'd had him for Neptune's Staircase!

Live catch!

Back to the campsite and we picked up two fishing kits (kids ones!) on the way back and decided to do a spot of fishing in Loch Ness. We're really bad at fishing, this is apparent! Although, saying that, we did make some catches! Teapot caught a spring (with free rock) and I caught some algae and a twig! For junior fishing rods using jelly tots as bait, I'd say that was pretty good going!!

A Spring AND stone!!
Luckily we had reserves with us for dinner, and by 2200 the weather had really gone freezing cold (luckily no rain) and the "I'm just going to get warm in my pjs under my duvet/sleeping bag" quickly turned into "I am asleep".

Plenty of fish...apparently!!

All in all, a good day! Wednesday's exersion: Nessieland (which is apparently rubbish but probably so bad it's good!) and Whaligoe Steps on our way to Wick!

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